Sunday, June 3, 2012

Chapter One - Miss Sugar

Huh?  My arms fling off my pink flannel sheets and I look around in the dim light. The morning sun sends little beams of light through my blinds and onto the wall.
What's going on? It's way to early for breakfast!  And I can't be late for school!  Summer just started!
My feet hit the worn white carpet hard and I jolt myself out of bed.
     THUNK THUNK THUNK..."Hello?  Is there anybody out there?  Let me out! PLEASE!  We need your help!"
There's....there's someone in my toy box!
"Wh...who are you?  How did you get in my toy box?"  I start thinking about all of the horrible things that could be in my toy box.  A see-through ghost?  A slimy goblin?  A purple genie? But why would a genie need my help?!
     "My name is Miss Sugar!  Now can you please let me out?!"  I walk over to my toy box and slowly lift the creaky lid.  A tiny little white mouse scurries up my old teddy bear, through the crack, and stands on top of the lid. Startled, I pull my hand back and try not to scream.
     I can hardly believe myself!  Without even thinking about my mom sill sleeping, I loudly sputter out, "You're a mouse!" The tiny white mouse smiles politely and bows, her whiskers brushing my toy box.  Still smiling, she stands up and adjusts her little light pink lilac colored hat.
     "Yes I am," she says sweetly, "I am Miss Sugar.  Nice to meet you."